Wednesday, May 9, 2012

cogumbs - gumze - Family Tree



Katerine Scatliffe/Maduro ("Secatee")
VICTORIA CONSTANCIA JENNINGS- FAHIE heir of Daniel Farrington Family
Married - Samuel/Morris Fahie
Daughter of JOSEPH JENNINGS Sr-wife=Catherine Isabella Fahie Married - Mr. Maduro( of Roadtown??)
Son of Jacob ("old Jake") Jennings Sr/wife= LEAH Child of Marriage: Maxwel Maduro- (" MACO')

Other children /outside marriage:
Nine (9) Siblings -
Including: Leo Kendall -
Mildred, Hugh, Viola, Elaine Norval Christopher- Father John Christopher
Ilva, Olga, Inez, Ida, Wilfred Irwin Titley ( cousin)

As indicated we are also related to the FAHIE family - Anzenetta Jennings - Married to Charles Jennings
Following is listing of some Cousins and Aunts: ( sister of Katerine "Secatee" Maduro)
Ann Williams, Ruth Jones, "Cynthy" Hodge ( Wife of Thomas Hodge)
Ivy Mercer, Edith Fleming, Elizabeth Decastro
Fred Williams, Aimee Williams
Franklin Hodge's mother = "Clotilda" ?? ( Outside Marriage)

Any question, do not hesitate to reply; to this email -

This is an attempt to outline, for interested parties, information of our cultural base; from both sides of the family of -

Index of Recipes

Index of Recipes

Monday, May 28, 2007

Team BVI

Showing posts with label Team BVI. Show all posts

Monday, January 08, 2007

Team BVI Members, Part II

Back to Team BVI. In previous blogpost devoted to the Team BVI I wrote about Mrs. Lorna Smith and her special role in telling the world about the British Virgin Islands, its great people, culture, art and financial services of course.

Today I would like to tell about two persons representing Financial Regulator – the BVI Financial Services Comission in the Team BVI.

Mrs. Jennifer Potter is Deputy Managing Director of the BVI FSC and her focus area is Financial Regulation. She was appointed Deputy Managing Director of Regulation and Corporate Services on April 1st, 2005. During these years many news and press releases have been published with her signature in English, German and other languages, where BVI FSC informed the community on important issues. However this is not the only part of her duties. Before her appointment as Deputy Managing Director for many years she was already working with Financial Services Commission where she received experience and got ever more responsibility in her positions. Mrs. Jennifer Potter has received Masters of Business Administration (Finance) in 2001 and Bachelors of Science (Information Systems) in 1993.

Miss Ruth Chadwick is the Director of Investment Business at the BVI FSC and her focus area also is Financial Regulation. She was appointed as the Director of Investment Business of the BVI FSC, with effect from 1 June, 2002. Ms. Chadwick is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accounting, with an impressive career in both the public and private sectors in the UK. She brings to the FSC an extensive industry background in compliance.

She has also experience at the Investment Management Regulatory Organisation (IMRO).

Miss Ruth Chadwick has brought her experience in regulatory and in asset management spheres to her post of the Director of the Investment Business division of the BVI FSC. She charts the road ahead for the BVI, to remain competitive as hedge funds move onshore, and for the regulator to protect investors as much as listening to managers.

She is welcomed speaker at many international conferences devoted to offshore and onshore financial services, especially investment business and regulatory issues. About a month ago we already met with her in the BVI Business News in the post devoted to seminar for London-based executives in the mutual and hedge fund industries.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Team BVI Members, Part I

The launch of 'Team BVI' was announced more than a month ago. The readers of my blog already know 3 members of Team BVI - Humphry A. Leue, Hon Dr. Kedrick Pickering and
Mark Chapman
. Since the Team BVI has commenced to perform its functions, there were several arrangements where Team BVI members played very important role. I mentioned the seminar for London-based executives in the mutual fund industries and the meeting of the Overseas Territories Consultative Council. Today I would like to tell more details on the other members of Team BVI. In this connection I would like to thank the BVI International Finance Centre who kindly provided the list of all Team BVI members.

Mrs. Lorna Smith, another outstanding personality representing BVI government in the Team BVI, is the Executive Director of the BVI International Affairs Secretariat. Her focus area is International & Public Affairs. In April 2004 she was appointed Director Designate of the BVI Government’s London Office and took very active role in representing the interests of the BVI in London and Europe, popularizing BVI, it’s culture and services. BVI London office actively worked on a number of areas including Media Relations, Marketing and Brand, and relationship with Her Majesty's Government.

Mrs. Smith has found time to familiarize the House of Lords and the House of Commons with the BVI and successfully promoted BVI territory, which earlier was quite little known in London. As a Director of the BVI London office she suggested an idea to create "Friends of the BVI" group in parliamentary circles in London, and this idea was sucesfully implemented. She also actively worked with British Virgin Islands All-Party Parliamentary Group, registered in the UK in late 2004 when Mrs. Lorna Smith was Interim Director of the BVI London office.

At that time of her being in this post she also contacted with many prominent persons who later contributed much to the popularization of the British Virgin Islands. Among them there is such person as Sir Richard Branson, known for his support in promoting BVI.

Mrs. Smith also organized roadshows and other marketing activities aimed to popularisation of BVI financial services all over the globe. We should thank BVI London Office headed by Lorna Smith for launching a website providing one of the most comprehensive and regularly published BVI news.

After one year of very active work at the post of the director of BVI London Office she was followed by Ms Hadassah Ward and then by Ms Dawn Smith this summer. Lorna Smith returned to BVI and continued to work actively on BVI international relations as Executive Director of the BVI International Affairs Unit and BVI International Finance Centre.

Monday, November 27, 2006

OTCC meeting in London

On November 21-22, 2006, the Overseas Territories Consultative Council (OTCC) held its 8th meeting in London at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Corruption. Among the issues to discuss on the agenda were good governance, criminal justice, human rights and climate change.

Established in 1999, the Overseas Territories Consultative Council is held in London every year to provide a forum for consultation with British Government Ministers. The meeting was attended by Premiers, Chief Ministers and other senior politicians from Britain's Overseas Territories, except Gibraltar.

Overseas Territories Minister in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Lord Triesman, who hosted the 8th meeting of the Council, emphasized the importance of the event. He was delighted with the productivity of the discussions. By the way, it is the 2nd time when the meeting was hosted by Lord David Triesman. The BVI delegation included Director of the BVI London Office Ms. Dawn Smith, 7th District Representative Dr. Kedrick Pickering (also the Team BVI founding member), Permanent Secretary in the Chief Minister’s Office Mr. Clyde Lettsome and Executive Director of the BVI International Affairs Secretariat Mrs. Lorna Smith.

The annual OTCC meeting was also attended by Chief Minister Dr. D. Orlando Smith and Governor David Pearey.

Both UK and Overseas Territories representatives agreed that the UN Convention Against Corruption would be extended to the Overseas Territories as early as possible. The BVI had already expressed its agreement, and the other territories also suggested their agreement to work together on implementing a strategy for each of the Overseas Territories to integrate the work of all the parties in the criminal justice system.

Besides the British Virgin Islands, the territories represented at the OTCC were Anguilla, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, St Helena, Ascension Island, Pitcairn, Turks and Caicos Islands and Montserrat.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Team BVI Participates in High Level Media and Presentation Training Session

Team BVI has actively started their mission and here is another news from BVI IFC.

Last week the British Virgin Islands International Finance Centre enlisted Sally Eden, which is top BBC News 24 business presenter, for management coaching. She will provide high level media and presentation training, for the BVI key spokesmen including members of Team BVI, officially launched last month.

The IFC sponsored training initiative last week comprised professionals and senior practitioners from the private sector, including Team BVI and members of the IFC's Marketing Advisory Committee, as well as FSC representatives and Government officials. A total of 17 delegates participated in the training arrangement which took place on November 6 – 10. Coaching and training sessions generally included theoretical and practical modules on public speaking and presentation skills; all delegates were practicing in media interview techniques and the introduction of broader management-skills development.

Sally Eden has commented on her assignment and work at the IFC's offices in Road Town:

“Research shows that, when listening to someone speak, more than 90% of what we take on board is through non-verbal communication – body language, the tone, speed and pitch of the voice. In high-level seminars, briefings and conferences such as the ones Team BVI and others representing the jurisdiction will be involved with going forward, it’s vital that as well as the content, the non-verbal communication helps get the message across.”

Humphry Leue, Chief Operating Officer at the BVI IFC, has commented:

“The media training and presentation coaching initiative has proved to be invaluable, particularly in advance of the IFC’s investment business seminar in London on the 15th November where several of the participants in this initiative will be making presentations and giving media interviews. We have received extremely positive feedback from all those that participated and we will be looking to host further sessions next year.

“Through initiatives like this, the IFC is attempting to provide high value, practical support to the public and private sectors in our joint efforts to promulgate the jurisdiction and its successes in the financial services arena on the international stage.”

Monday, November 13, 2006

British Virgin Islands Address London Mutual and Hedge Fund Industry Executives

After announcing the official launch of 'Team BVI', British Virgin Islands International Finance Centre is arranging a seminar for London-based executives in the mutual and hedge fund industries. The event has the purpose to find the way how to bring the London market up to speed with the rapid growth of the BVI's investment business industry, its regulatory environment and current trends and opportunities in offshore finance. The answer is expected to be found during the seminar, which will take place on Wednesday 15th November.

The seminar will feature speakers from both Public and Private sectors, including Regulators.

The seminar speakers will be Lorna Smith (Executive Director of the BVI IFC), Robert Mathavious (Managing Director & CEO of the BVI FSC), Ruth Chadwick (Director of Investment Business at the BVI FSC), Mark Chapman (Managing Partner at Deloitte, BVI and "Team BVI" founding member), Kieron O'Rourke (Partner & Head of the Investment Funds Practice of Harneys , BVI), Mark Lancaster (Director of New Business Development of Fortis Prime Funds Solutions, BVI).

Humphry A. Leue, Chief Operating Operator at the BVI International Finance Centre, comments:

"The British Virgin Islands has enjoyed a long and fruitful working relationship with the London business and professional community and we are delighted to be back in London to update this sector of the market on the BVI’s international financial services offer.

The BVI has developed into a strong, well established offshore jurisdiction for investment businesses, with a recent survey ranking it as the second most popular hedge fund domicile with approximately 10% of the global market. The BVI boasts over 2,500 funds with an estimated asset value of well over €100bn, drawing upon the support of some 500 managers and administrators licensed to provide fund support services in the Territory.

The securities and investment business sector remains a central part of our plans to further establish the BVI as a leading and well regulated jurisdiction for international financial services and we see the London professional community as a crucial element to this continued growth. We look forward to presenting and discussing these issues with key practitioners in London on November 15th."

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Official Launch of 'Team BVI'

The BVI International Finance Centre has announced the official launch of 'Team BVI' – a dynamic unit of ambassadors from public and private sectors, to be the face and voice of the BVI financial services brand. The announcement followed the inaugural meeting of the 15 founding members of Team BVI, which took place earlier last month.

Team BVI members are drawn from Government, the Regulator's office and the Private Sector; they will work together to voice the Territory's competitive financial products and services and represent the BVI at some public forums. Team BVI will also be responsible for involving the broader financial services sector in the jurisdiction's marketing activities. This is a unique marketing initiative to create a competitive advantage by presenting the Territory as a modern and progressive jurisdiction.

Humphry A. Leue, Chief Operations Officer at the BVI International Finance Centre, the department behind Team BVI, explains: "Our intention is to build a team of spokespeople that will represent the jurisdiction and its successes on the international stage. Importantly, Team BVI is not a closed shop, far from it. Whilst there are 15 founding members, we will actively seek the assistance and expertise of the entire financial services sector in a collective push to showcase the jurisdiction’s leading offshore finance offer. In addition, the Financial Services Marketing Advisory Committee will continue to assist and advise the IFC in the research and development of our marketing strategy, and several MAC members are also founding members are also members of Team BVI."

Hon Dr. Kedrick Pickering, member of the BVI Government’s Caucus group and a Team BVI founding member, comments: "The BVI has a proud and long-standing tradition of public and private sector partnership. By formalising this working relationship into the Team BVI concept, we have created an initiative that is unique in the world of offshore finance and will help the BVI continue its rapid growth and diversification in international financial services."

Mark Chapman, Managing Partner at Deloitte and another Team BVI founding member, adds: "The BVI private sector is genuinely excited by the launch of Team BVI and looks forward to marketing and representing the jurisdiction collectively in close collaboration with the Government and Regulator. The BVI has a fantastic story of growth and cutting edge financial products and Team BVI will be a powerful means of continuing to tell this story on a global platform."

As mentioned before the British Virgin Islands gets its income mostly from financial services, tourism and the marine industry. Marketing of financial services sector that attracts hundreds of thousands of investors and brings in much income to the Territory is a very crucial task. I believe this project to be successful.